
We all have heard and use the stairs in our life and we all are aware of the stairs. They have been in use for more than 100 of years and their use has been beneficial and has benefited the people to perform their task with an ease.

What is the use of stairs in our life?

One of the biggest use of stairs is that it helps a person to reach their destination with ease and more quickly. The use of stairs has proved to be beneficial and they have made our day to day task easier. The concept of stairs has been very similar to the ladder and both of them have been made for the same purpose which is to make a person reach their destination easier. It just acts like a mobility to reach one place to another. The use of stairs has been more used in homes and buildings.

What is handrail?

It means that it is a grill or the rail that is supported for resting the hand on it to keep the stability while you are walking down the stair or coming up the stair. It is beneficial for the person to use the handrail while they use the stairs to help them to keep the balance and prevent them from falling off the stairs.

It is an extra boundary or support that is built when stairs are made. The use of it has acted as a bumpers to prevent a child or a person from falling off the stairs. It has been proved to be very beneficial and the use of it has been making our life better for day to day use.

What is the benefit of using handrails?

  • It helps to keep the balance and stability of the person while they use the stairs, it acts as a support for them.
  • The use of handrail can be used in an emergency situations for both children and adults, if they suddenly fall or fells, it can be used for them in that situation which will prevent them, from falling off the stairs.
  • It also has mobility for the people which helps them to walk on the stairs with an ease.
What are the disadvantages of handrail?

  • Handrails have sharp edges that are extremely which can cause an injury to people if they fall directly on to it. 
  • When you add a handrail to the stairs, they add an extra cost to it which increases the expense. 
  • You have to keep the handrail maintained to keep them durable and in use, they have to be maintained
Is it legal to use the handrail on the stairs?

It is not legal to make it however, it is for your own safety and precautions that helps to make their use even better and must be used at every point of our life. If the handrail is lacking out, then there is no laws or fine to be charged but when it comes to safety the use of it will help you to keep you safe.